Our People

Young Epilepsy is the coming together of children and young people with epilepsy, with an expert team of researchers, product developers, service providers, policy makers, campaigners, and fundraisers, plus an international network of partners, to create possibilities.  

 A group of people, with a wide range of experiences, perspectives, skills, and expertise, with one shared purpose.

together we create possible

Executive Team

Our Executive Team is responsible for providing strategic and operational leadership within the charity and is led by the Chief Executive.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees governs the affairs of the charity, ensuring that we are well run and deliver charitable outcomes that benefit children and young people with epilepsy. The Board is supported by six sub-committees:

  • Finance, Audit and Risk Committee
  • Fundraising and Communications Committee
  • Health Services Committee
  • Remuneration Committee
  • Nominations Committee
  • Education Governing Body.

Education Governing Body

The Education Governing Body oversees the provision of education (including residential) services at St Piers School and College. Four of the Governors, including the Chair of the EGB, are also Trustees.

Young people are at the centre of everything we do, and we are striving to ensure that every young person with epilepsy has the opportunity to be heard and their condition better understood.

Young Trustees

Our Young Trustees are the link between our Young Reps and Young Epilepsy’s Board of Trustees (the Board). 

Young Trustees are not formal voting members of the Board but attend Board meetings in an advisory role to ensure that the needs of Young Epilepsy’s beneficiaries are at the forefront of the Board’s decision making.

Young Reps

Our Young Reps group is compiled of young people aged 16-25 who represent children and young people living with epilepsy throughout the UK. The group is fundamental in ensuring that young people are at the centre of everything we do; the Young Reps contribute to our strategy and are involved at all levels of the charity to ensure that decisions and overall direction of services provided meet the needs of children and young people with epilepsy.

Young Supporters

The Young Supporters Network is a less formal participation group open to any number of young people with epilepsy aged 13-25. They meet at least every three months and have many opportunities to get involved.